Wednesday 19 March 2014

You’ve Heard of Brushing Your Hair, but Swedish Brides Brush Their Bodies

In some corners of the world, it’s believed that brushing the hair 100 strokes a day will result in Rapunzel-like tresses. In Sweden, it’s believed that brushing the body once a day will result in smooth, clear, cellulite-free skin. Before showering, Nordic beauties grab a natural-bristle body brush (or a dry, vegetable-fiber loofah) and brush their skin in long strokes towards the heart, starting with their extremities and working inward. The two-minute regimen achieves two-fold results: “It increases skin circulation to improve glow and toxin removal and exfoliates dead skin cells to allow fresh new cells to come to the surface faster,” says Jessica Krant, MD, MPH, founder of Art of Dermatology. I actually do that every morning and it does help to have a smooth and clear skin.

Once a week I try to go to the Spa in my town, I love going to the Sauna. With good reason. Physically, nothing is more reinvigorating than a deep, healthy sweat every day. Tension fades. Muscles unwind. Mentally, we emerge relaxed, revived and ready for whatever the day may bring. Before going to the Sauna you can always use your body brush. 

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