Love the idea... would go to the gym with that bag or I could go shopping. LOL
By going through different Design web page I found out an old article from the New York Times about an amazing home in the neighbourhood of Chicago. It is a beautiful modern redesign of a warehouse. Frances Whitehead and James Elniski, faculty members at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, embraced the idea of green living when they built their home in the West Town neighbourhood of Chicago. Though they are the first to admit that there is always room to be greener, they clearly believe that the green movement has merit and are satisfied in their attempt at balancing sustainability with aesthetics...

By using as much as the existing building as possible and installing a number of green systems, the house is a true experiment in more-sustainable and environmentally-friendly living. Geothermal heating, radiant heated floors, wind turbines, rain water cisterns, photovoltaic and thermal panels are just the beginning. The couple's architect and contractor, William James, of James & Kutyla Architecture admitted it was an ambitious project.

Looking outside.. right now it looks like it is going to rain, therefore I could be ready to wear my brown leather boots again and a nice jersey, but guess what today I came with little Summer Shoes cause my positive brain part told me this morning that it would be a great sunny day, LOL seems that part of my brain was wrong. I was just trying to find a good motivation this morning when I woke up for work. More seriously, I really like those boots.
Hello my lovelies,
I haven't been able to post anything since a month due to some technical issues, but now I'm back and ready to Rock with some new products that I discovered lately. Here is a red stripes skirt, super cute isn't it? I'm not a big fan of red clothes but this one is really classy, love it.
Mike Kneupfel, a student at NYU's Interactive Technology Program, made a 3D model showing the keys he presses most frequently when typing, composed of raised keys on a keyboard.