Friday, 3 September 2010

Mad Hungry - Feeding men & boys

I found a great book on Amazon today, I think it is always difficult to know how much your boys or male friends are going to eat when you invite them around your table. Therefore I bought the book Mad Hungry! Cook for the men in your life and teach them to cook for themselves. Believe me or not men are also able to cook and clean a house as good as women do, women don't have a specific gene called: Super House Cleaner or Super House Kitchen Chef. Nope the only problem is that women don't have the patience to explain to the opposite sex how to cook something else than pasta with ketchup instead of a home made tomato sauce. I used to blame the boys in my family for not knowing how to cook a nice meal, but I never thought of teaching them very good and simple recipes or cooking tips. I will start to use that book from now on. Let's see if that helps the boys around me :)


  1. that book looks great! I have three brothers would could use this! Great blog by the way!

  2. I'm luck that my husband cleans as much, if not more than I do!

  3. lol this book is interesting. now if I had a man then I can get this book eh~


  4. This book is very interesting! I've never thought about this point, women doesn't have patient to teach the men!
    I loved your blog!


  5. Interesting... I'd like to read this book.


  6. this is a really nice and funny but,but also an interesting subject !!!! but i think it is not a sure answer...or maybe "everything"

  7. My hubby has the "super house cleaning" gene! I kind of wish I did... maybe I wouldn't hate housework so stinking much!!!

  8. Very nice blog ! xoxo, Irena

  9. Great find! I have to ask is "the fact" that we don't have patience to teach because we KNOW its going in one ear and then out the other?! haha- come on laugh with me here- !

  10. quite cool,
    you got a really great blog :)
