Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Typical South-Swedish Cottages

In the south part of Sweden there are typical houses called “Skånelänga”. A Skånelänga is built on a half-timber and brick frame, and has plastered (white) facade with visible half-timber. Let me show you an example, currently for sale with the agent Uppvik & döttrar. This first one is called “Knäbäckshusen”:

It is simple, cosy and southern Sweden-rustic: Country-Danish within the Swedish and Scandinavian style borders. Interiors below.

Now, look inside for another sweet Swedish ‘Country Danish’ SkånelängaThis house, “Lilla Beddinge”, was built in the late 18th century.


  1. Thank you very much for following! It means so much :)

  2. Such beautiful pictures!!

  3. what beautiful houses ! :)

  4. These are gorgeous. I want to live in one. I wish I could call Scandinavia home.

  5. Oh these are just incredible inspiration. What a fantastic archive you've created of exceptional interiors- the one a few posts above with the white painted floors is just heavenly. HEAVENLY!
