OnlyonehousefromMalmöpedestrian district, rightin theheart of the city, it is situated in a very quiet area.The situation couldhardlybe better!Meetasupercornerapartmentwith lots offundetails.In the entrance hall you can already feel an imaginative interior withblacksocketandcharmingmuralshere and there, it's fun to come here. Thecurvedliving roomisspaciousand facingbothstreetandalley. Largewindowsinbothrooms are providingwonderfulnatural light.The kitchenislargeandis a cosyplaceto invite your friends for dinner.Decoratedinblackandpink-very pretty (unless you don't like pink, I personally prefer light colours for my kitchen). Acharmingapartmentin theabsolutetop of Malmö.
This is adorable!! I'd love to have a black and pink kitchen...although I don't think that my hubby would approve!! Our wedding colors were pink and black!
This is adorable!! I'd love to have a black and pink kitchen...although I don't think that my hubby would approve!! Our wedding colors were pink and black!